Symbolism In Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants

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Hills Like White Elephants
A rich and educated unnamed American and his young girlfriend, Jig, are on vacation in Spain. They have plans to take a train from Barcelona to Madrid, moreover they have to wait for forty minutes. While they are waiting, they order some drinks. For him, it is entertaining while for her the drink is a distraction from the situation surrounding her. They are a young couple who are not ready to have a baby as she becomes accidently pregnant. The American is especially not ready to take any responsibility besides forcing her to abort the baby. On the other hand, Jig could not decide from the time when she thinks that abortion of her unborn infant is not going to fix her fragile relationship. “Hills like white elephants” is a story that symbolizes white elephants and its central theme is that it is impossible to fix a broken relationship by having an abortion whose result might be losing both the relationship and the unborn baby.
The sun is shining on what is a bright day, but Jig …show more content…

She starts saying, “‘it’s all right for you to say that, but I don’t know it’” (Hemingway 72). Furthermore, she starts to express her feeling such as “stop talking” (Hemingway 72). She is like a bird free out of its cage and ready to navigate her world for good or bad. It seems she came out of being brainwashed and dependent on the American. Also, she figures it out that taking responsibility is the only solution. The solution is to keep her unborn fetus even at the expense her relationship. In addition to that, her man looks to agree with her decision. The American says “‘I’d better take the bags over the other side of the station’” (Hemingway 73). He sounds that it is time to give up and agree with his girlfriend. Although, the writer seems biased against female, Jig stands like an iron woman because she solves their issue by convincing

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