Symbolic Citations in A Worn Path

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Symbolism is the use of conventional or traditional signs in the representation of divine beings and spirits. For example, when people say “Life is a roller coaster.” In this metaphorical symbol the person doesn’t actually mean that life is a roller coaster, it’s a figure of speech, which indicates that life has its ups and downs. Another example could be the colors; as everyone is aware that black indicates death, white for purity, and red for danger or passion, purple being the royal color, yellow for violence and lastly blue for peace. Animals have a symbol of something as well; the dove represents peace, lamb innocence and the snake evil, according to The Bible. As you can see, symbolism is to be found usually anywhere.
A Worn Path is a short story about an old Negro woman, Phoenix Jackson, who has a routine. She lives in a village far outside of town. Phoenix has to face obstacles to get to her destination, Natchez. She overlooks through many impediments as she continues with her journey. She bumps into animals, falls into a ditch, and gets stop by a white hunter. Phoenix doesn’t let anything halt her. She is determined to arrive to Natchez. Natchez is a town, in which Phoenix obtains medicine for her extremely ill grandson. Her grandson’s throat stopped functioning properly due to the cause of him swallowing lye a while back. Phoenix is capable of sacrificing herself in order not to lose her only family, her grandson.
In Eudora Welty’s story “A Worn Path”, symbolic contents are found in numerous ways. In this short story the main character, Phoenix Jackson, symbolizes a mythological bird. A mythical bird is a bird that is said to live after 500 years. In the article, “Symbolism in ‘A Worn Path’ by Eudora Welty”, Abu states...

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...The trip to town has a symbolic form of pilgrimage. In the article, "'A Worn Path' by Eudora Welty: Symbols and themes." it implies, "Worn Path is symbolic for the pilgrimages made by all pilgrims who are on a quest." Phoenix is symbolized as a pilgrim, because she is on a quest. She has to overlook obstacles and cross the woodlands, just to get to town.

Works Cited

123helpme Editors. ‘Symbolism in A Worn Path.’ 123helpme. N.p., n.d. Web.17 Mar 2014.
Beller, Michele. “’A Worn Path’ by Eudora Welty: Symbols and themes.” Yahoo! Voices. Yahoo, Inc. 29 Nov 2008. Web.17 Mar 2014.
Cumings, Michael J. “’A Worn Path’ Study Guide.” Cummingsstudyguides. N.p., 2011. Web.17 Mar 2014.
Garcia,Abu. “Symbolism in ‘A Worn Path’ by Eudora Welty.” Scribd. N.p., n.d. Web.17 Mar 2014.
Noelle M. “Symbolism in Eudora Welty’s ‘A Worn Path’” Studymode, N.p., Oct. 2012. Web.17 Mar 2014.

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