Sustainable Cities Essay

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A city has to be beautiful, though the definition of “beauty” is so vague. The beauty can be physical, such as enjoyable parks, streetscapes, architectural facades, the sky fragment through freeways and trees; or it can be the beauty of livelihood, people, and history. As landscape architects, we are creating beautiful things or turning the unpleasant memorial. As we can see, the unmeasurable factors are mostly about social consciousness, culture and a higher level of development stages. Most developing countries are still struggling in the first stage to balance development, environmental quality and living quality. Re-assemble: in a dynamic perspective The disassembled factors basically describe the properties of sustainable cities of a …show more content…

Moore said that we can understand sustainability as “a storyline, a narrative thread that people use to understand how the past, present, and future can be connected in different ways” (Moore 2007). Since the understanding of sustainability has been changing, we can neither predict what will happen in the future nor establish a set of rules for the future generation to follow. As Norton argued, sustainable activities can be conducted in the present “without negatively impacting the range of important choices that should be left open to the next generation” (Norton 2005:432). Therefore, it’s crucial to apprehend the nature of sustainable cities in order to set up the framework while never kill …show more content…

I consider it’s not very appropriate to say “sustainable X” because these “X”s are only sub-systems which exchange energy and materials within a larger overall system. Only a single small system reaching the “equivalence of sustainability” (if this ever exists) doesn’t mean the whole system is sustainable. That is to say, the hierarchy and complexity of systematical thinking must be taken into consideration of the definition of “sustainable city”. We should evaluate the city-system in its ecosystem and context. Sustainable is used to describe the overall complex system in which there are sub-systems exchanging energy and

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