Surya Namaskar Gives You Health, Fitness and Longevity

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Exercises are known to improve the health of our bodies. Surya Namaskar is one such set of exercises that was developed ages ago. It is a wonderfully simple system to keep the body youthful and free of ailments.

As with any other forms of exercise, conditioning the body before asanas is a necessity. By warming and toning up the muscles, quickening and intensifying the cardiac rhythm, without inducing any fatigue or breathlessness, Surya Namaskar brings the body up to the level of activity that is required for continuing with asanas. Surya in Sanskrit means the Sun, and Namaskar means salutation. Surya Namaskar is in fact, a salutation to the Sun, preferably to the rising Sun. For Surya Namaskar, the best time is the early morning, facing the rising Sun.

How should you do Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar is a complete set of exercises that can be undertaken outside a session of Yoga postures. This is made up of a series of twelve movements that is repeated one after the other. They serve to bring the whole muscular structure into play, warming the body up and conditioning it for the asanas. It is a wonderful set of exercises to get you moving in the morning, by toning up your entire body, sharpening up the intellect, increasing the metabolic rate, and improving the blood circulation throughout the body.

Surya Namaskar is a set of six movements to be repeated in reverse. Follow it up with the pictures in the same sequence:

1. Start with standing straight with arms folded on the chest and breathing out.

2. Breathe in as you extend your arms up above your head and bend backwards as far as possible.

3. Next swing your arms to the front, bend forward, and breathe out as you touch your toes.

4. Breathe in as...

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...l irregularities. Flat feet are prevented and ankle strength improves. Surplus fat, especially around the hips and thighs, neck and chin are reduced.

Surya Namaskar is especially useful in preventing the carpal tunnel syndrome. In fact, for those who are stuck with a sedentary and computer related job, this exercise is very effective, in invigorating and toning up the whole body at the end of a strenuous day.

Who should not do Surya Namaskar?

Women should not undertake this exercise in the first days of menstruation. Expectant mothers may practice until the beginning of the fifth month. After childbirth, gradually reinstate with the advice of your doctor.

Surya Namaskar requires a very supple back, strong arms and shoulders. If you have problems with your back, seek advice from your doctor before starting. Situations such as spondylitis may get aggravated.

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