Superheroes Essay

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Is a person ever to young to like Superheroes? Superheroes has been a combination of myths and legends that have been passed down for centuries. Superheroes began in America, but people began doing comic strips about pulp heroes. Comic book and superheroes have been described as the mythology.Superheroes usually have a focus on why they do what they do. They also want superheroes show children a good example. They all have a different past that usually leads them to. Superheroes stories have always been an positive influence on how people have portrayed themselves in a way of how they view their self-image. Superheroes has also been an influence on children and they are often considered …show more content…

Everything that superheroes do is always trying to save the day. For example, Batman that has no powers compared to other superheroes has learned to fight the corruption and save people from the joker. Superheroes are role models to the audience because it shows them what to do and what not to do. All of the superheroes have had a hardship and they maintain a positive attitude and strive to do good things for a better life. All of the superheroes has had a troubled past, and has made them the strong individuals that they are. Many of them have learned from their past and don 't fear their past with out a regret. which applies to what individuals go through in life supper heroes live a normal life and from the failures. In the story of The Psychology of Superheroes, Christopher Peterson and Nainsook Park states, “ In this role that the superhero experiences everyday pleasures, goes to school, holds a job, has friends, and participates as an ordinary member of the larger society” (14). It is clear that superheros live a normal life just like regular people. They have their own problems, family, and …show more content…

Superheroes can help children feel confident in themselves and help children developed their artistic side. It also influences a child so they can use they imagination. They can also teach children to support others and be able to find their strengths and morals. Superheroes also allow themselves to express themselves and be able to acknowledge their values and limits. Children can learn a lot from superheroes and look up to them also just because superhero wear costumes they are still people that live the same life and also have problems. It is clear that children can have a positive influence from superheroes. Justin F. Martin states, “Previous research has explored the relationship between children’s exposure to superheroes and their development of moral values. In a study that involved kindergarten children drawing heroes and heroines, McCrary (1999) found that children’s artwork (which included superheroes such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman) suggested that they learned moral values from the superheroes they watched on television”. Research shows that superheroes do help children develop their moral skills and also influences them to be generous. Children also learn whats good from bad when watching the movies or reading the comics books ,and when the superheroes are fighting with the villains they could distinguish from good and bad who 's the good guy and who 's the bad guy. They can also learn

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