Summary Of The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock

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“To lead you to an overwhelming question,” the main question on who the character is, in the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” by T.S. Eliot who explains this in a dramatic monologue on a man that struggles to make decisions and lacks confidence of himself trying to while attempting his goals or dreams. After reading this poem, readers would look back and ask themselves what was his question that he dares us not to ask? This poem fascinates readers of Prufrock’s character of a man that fails achieving his own dreams because of his paranoid thoughts throughout his life; a man whose goals and aspirations that he alluded. At the very beginning there is a passage an epigraph from “Dante’s Inferno,” which tells a part in that story where a soul in Hell tells Dante the secrets of the underworld. Dante gets out of the underworld and wants to share all of his knowledge with the rest of the world, but has to keep it secret because it is supposed to be hidden. Which resembles the man in this poem who carries around all his secrets, thoughts, and life; the man who doesn’t live a ...

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