Summary Of The House Of Odysseus In Scheria '

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Book VI: While Odysseus sleeps in a forest, Athene visits the house of King Alcinous in Scheria, the city of the Phaeacians. She appears to the king’s daughter, Nausicaa, in a dream, disguised as the girl’s best friend. She tells Nausicaa to wash her clothes in the washing cisterns in preparation for her wedding. Nausicaa is being courted by many men and will likely not be unmarried for very long. When Nausicaa wakes up, she obtains a wagon and mules from her father. She and her maidservants drive down to the washing cisterns, which are some distance from town. The cisterns are close to where Odysseus sleeps, but the girls wash their clothes and begin a game of ball without noticing him. Athene, trying to wake Odysseus up so he can receive help from Nausicaa, causes one of the balls to fall into …show more content…

When Odysseus is exploring the island alone, notices that there is a house on a hill. Odysseus divides his men in half, and it is Eurylochus’ group that goes to the house. All of Eurylochus’ company except Eurylochus himself enters the house, where they are given food and wine by Circe. The meal, however, is drugged, and the sailors are turned into pigs. Eurylochus hurries back to the ship, telling Odysseus that the other men have disappeared. Odysseus, against Eurylochus’ advice, goes to Circe’s house. There, he meets Hermes, who has taken the form of a young man. Hermes tells Odysseus what will happen inside Circe’s house. He gives Odysseus instructions and an herb called moly, a talisman that will protect him from Circe’s drugs. Odysseus follows Hermes’ instructions. He dines with Circe, and when she touches him with her wand, he draws his sword and lunges at her. Circe asks him to become her lover, but Odysseus demands that she first swear an oath to free his friends and to not try to harm him again. Circe agrees. Circe changes Odysseus’ crew back into humans, and all of his men stay with her for a

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