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Clinical practice reflection
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Recommended: Clinical practice reflection
During my four-week clinical rotation at Winona Health, I had the opportunity to work with a patient the day following a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in acute care. I was given the opportunity to work with her for the next 3 weeks, status post-surgery in the outpatient setting. This opportunity allowed me to not only perform a subjective in multiple settings, but it also gave me the opportunity to gain rapport with the patient. It was rewarding to be able to witness the patient’s progress and gain hands on experience treating a TKA in both healthcare settings. This patient interaction was one of the first opportunities I had to create a plan of care, with little help from my clinical instructor, which fit the beliefs and values of the patient.
Look back: During my third week clinical experience, I did both computer charting and paper charting (for maternal assessment) with nursing care plan. Besides charting, I reported my significant findings of the mother verbally to the primary nurse.
For the first week we had orientation, which my clinical instructor Maureen went over expected guidelines for clinical, pediatric assessment techniques, how to effectively use SBAR, and ethical issues that can be prevented. I thought all this information was very informative, and will help me with my patient care. I was very frightful of starting this rotation, and I usually go into a clinical with some sort of confidence or act like I have some anyway. The reasoning behind my fear is I have two children of my own, and I know how fragile they are, and one bad move can be detrimental to their health. With adults I feel more comfortable caring for them. Also, I’m more use to a focused assessment obviously a full assessment is important especially
Reinventing Healthcare-A Fred Friendly Seminar was produced in 2008. The film explores the current issues in health care at that time. This paper explores the issues that were addressed in the movie and compares them to the problems of health care today.
Utilising John’s model of structured reflection I will reflect on the care I instigated to a patient with complex needs. The patient in question was admitted to the Emergency Assessment Unit for surgical patients then transferred to the ward where I work as a staff nurse.
In this essay I will be describing reflection, the methods of reflecting and the benefits of reflection in clinical practise. Everyone from doctors and lawyers to shop assistants and builders reflect upon their work. Reflection can be used to learn and develop as a clinician, professional and also as a person.
My experience in mental health clinical was very different from any other clinical I had before. In a mental health clinical setting, I am not only treating client’s mental illnesses, I am also treating their medical problems such as COPD, diabetes, chronic renal failure, etc. Therefore, it is important to prepare for the unexpected events. In this mental health clinical, I learned that the importance of checking on my clients and making sure that they are doing fine by performing a quick head-to toes assessment at the beginning of my shift. I had also learned that client’s mental health illness had a huge impact on their current medical illness.
This reflective essay will discuss three skills that I have leant and developed during my placement. The three skills that I will be discussing in this essay are bed-bath, observing a corpse being prepared for mortuary and putting canulla and taking it out. These skills will be discussed in this essay using (Gibb’s, 1988) model. I have chosen to use Gibb’s model because I find this model easier to use and understand to guide me through my reflection process. Moreover, this model will be useful in breaking the new skills that I have developed into a way that I can understand. This model will also enable me to turn my experiences into knowledge that I can refer to in the future when facing same or similar situations. Gibbs model seems to be straightforward compared to the other model which is why I have also chosen it. To abide by the code of conduct of Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) names of the real patients in this essay have been changed to respect the confidentiality.
My clinical rotation in the acute care hospital has definitely been a great learning experience, it was a big transition for me having been working in a long-term care facilities for six years. There were three positive aspects about my performance that I will take away from this learning experience.
Reflection is an essential component in the development of professional competencies and critical thinking skills in nursing practice. Reflection in the context of nursing, has been described as a way of exploring an experience in order to look for the prospect of other explanations and alternative methods to doing things. It is through reflection that one can evaluate and identify their strengths and weaknesses to encourage both personal and professional growth and development. In this paper, I will be discussing how student nurses learn and develop from reflection, the emotional response and self-awareness as a nurse, and the appropriate way to reflect as a nurse.
I believe placing student nurses in the clinical setting is vital in becoming competent nurses. Every experience the student experiences during their placement has an educative nature therefore, it is important for the students to take some time to reflect on these experiences. A specific situation that stood out to me from my clinical experience was that; I didn’t realize I had ignored the patient’s pain until I was later asked by the nurse if the patient was in any pain.
After speaking to the supervisor, I was told that there weren’t specific goals when it came to this young client. He is being seen in the clinic because he has severe autism and is almost completely nonverbal. With him being nonverbal, it can make therapy very difficult to carry out. During the session, it was observed that they were working on letting him make choices, hand over hand work, and giving him plenty of exposure to language. The only goal given was to elicit any kind of response from the client.
I want to take part in this Clinical Rotation course because of a statistic that I’ve read in the news stating that almost 50% of all students end up in an entirely different career field than the one which they majored in during college. During this class, I will be exposed to a multitude of different career options that can guide me in choosing the right courses in high school as well as determine what to major in during college. This experience will afford me the opportunity to view a variety of medical careers from a first hand point of view, therefore broadening my understanding of what work fields would best match my interest and skill set.
I went to the operating room on March 23, 2016 for the Wilkes Community College Nursing Class of 2017 for observation. Another student and I were assigned to this unit from 7:30am-2:00pm. When we got their we changed into the operating room scrubs, placed a bonnet on our heads and placed booties over our shoes. I got to observe three different surgeries, two laparoscopic shoulder surgeries and one ankle surgery. While cleaning the surgical room for the next surgery, I got to communicate with the nurses and surgical team they explained the flow and equipment that was used in the operating room.
This week’s clinical experience has been unlike any other. I went onto the unit knowing that I needed to be more independent and found myself to be both scared and intimidated. However, having the patients I did made my first mother baby clinical an exciting experience. I was able to create connections between what I saw on the unit and the theory we learned in lectures. In addition, I was able to see tricks other nurses on the unit have when providing care, and where others went wrong. Being aware of this enabled me to see the areas of mother baby nursing I understood and areas I need to further research to become a better nurse.
In 2017, ABC channel released a new show called The Good Doctor, a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome who joins a renowned hospital’s surgical unit. Here he faces new lessons to connect with others, meeting new people and proving others wrong based on false consensus that people have about him. Along with him are two other surgical residents whom which he grows bonds with, Dr. Jared Kalu, and Dr. Claire Brown.