Sumerian Language

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This language was used 5000 years ago to 2500 years ago, and it was mostly used as a literary language for English, and an official language by other languages. It is the oldest written language that has ever existed which developed in 3100 BC in southern Mesopotamia, and became well known during the 3rd millennium BC, beginning with the Jemdet Nasr (Uruk III) period from the 31st to 30th centuries BC. The chronology omits the Late Sumerian phase and regard all writings written after 2000 BC as “Post-Sumerian”, which is meant to refer to the time when the language was already extinct and only preserved by Babylonians and Assyrians as a liturgical and classical language meant for religious, artistic and scholarly purposes. According to the status of the spoken Sumerian between 2000 and 1700 BC, it reveals that a particularly large amount of literary texts and bilingual Sumerian-Akkadian lexical lists survive, but this is the basis for the distinction between a Late Sumerian period and all subsequent time.
Sumerian is considered a language isolate mainly because ever since it’s development, it has been the subject of much effort to relate it to a wide variety of languages across the world, and the proposals for linguistic affinity have a nationalistic background because of it with the proposals enjoying no support amongst linguists because of their “unverifiability”.
Sumerian is an agglutinative language in terms of its Morphology Typology, meaning that words could consist of a chain of clearly distinguishable and separable affixes and morphemes. Sumerian is also considered a split ergative language because it behaves as a nominative–accusative language in the 1st and 2nd person of the present-future tense in completive aspect and ...

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"Sumerian language." Learn and talk about , Agglutinative languages, Cuneiform, Languages with ISO 639-2 code, Subject–object–verb languages. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.
"The Sumerian Language” September 20, 2007 10:08 PM Subscribe. The Sumerian Language. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.
Halloran, John. "The Proto-Sumerian Language Invention Process." The Proto-Sumerian Language Invention Process. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2013.

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