Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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Imagine one night you are putting your baby to sleep like you always do, when you wake up in the morning to find that your infant has all of the sudden passed away in their sleep. This phenomenon has become a parent’s worst fear. Their baby has passed away from sudden infant death syndrome and there is nothing they can do or could have done about it. SIDS is a real thing and has occurred all throughout history. It is very important to understand variables that can increase your chance of losing a baby to SIDS, looking for signs in their cry that could hint towards SIDS and taking every step you can to avoid sudden infant death syndrome from striking your family.
Sudden infant death syndrome has been around since the beginning of time (Mitchell, 2009). If you look in 1 Kings 3:19 it says, ‘‘And this woman’s child died in the night.’’ This verse implies that the child dies due to an abrupt event or possibly a disease such as, sudden infant death syndrome (Mitchell, 2009). “When a seemingly healthy baby less than 1 year old is put down to sleep and is later found dead, he’s a victim of SIDS if no other cause of death can be found. Although SIDS is unpredictable and unusual, it’s the leading cause of death in babies between 1 month and 12 months old.” (Maindonald, 2005, p.53). The most common age for a baby to die of SIDS is between the ages of 2 months to 6 months and boys are more likely to die than girls (Maindonald, 2005). Although SIDS was not actually a diagnosed disease until 1965, after sudden infant death syndrome was identified, as a disease, the diagnosis largely increased and SIDS were more prevalent (Mitchell, 2009). Nearly 3,000 infants die from sudden death syndrome every year. (CRIBS) The cause of SIDS has not yet be...

... middle of paper ... Material Use. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 24(3), 33-39.
Maindonald, E. (2005). Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Nursing, 35(7), 53.
Mitchell, E. (2009). SIDS: past, present and future. Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway: 1992), 98(11), 1712-1719. doi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2009.01503.x
Liebrechts-Akkerman, G., Lao, O., Liu, F., Sleuwen, B., Engelberts, A., L'Hoir, M., & ... Kayser, M. (2011). Postnatal parental smoking: an important risk factor for SIDS. European Journal Of Pediatrics, 170(10), 1281-1291. doi:10.1007/s00431-011-1433-6
Lester, B. (1996). Babies' cries give insight into much, including SIDS. Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, 12(10), 1
Phillips, D. P., Brewer, K. M., & Wadensweiler, P. (2011). Alcohol as a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Addiction, 106(3), 516-525. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03199.x

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