Subculture Theory And The Deviant Behavior

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Deviant Behavior is optional not to conform norms and does not come together with an outlook of prosperity groups of the society as a whole. However, the subculture violence theory is described to have people in these situations which are separated as they begin to believe the acts and values that are ordinary, or better-quality to all other views. A number of things are associated with deviant behavior and the subculture violence theory. Some examples include, no subculture can be completely different or absolutely in conflict with the society, the counter-norm is nonviolence, recognized and unrecognized collective reins that attempt to avoid or diminish deviance, and crime, the infringement of properly enacted the law, is official deviance while having an unofficial social violation.
According to the article, Subculture Theory: A Historical and Contemporary Assessment of the Concept for Understanding Deviance. It discusses how subculture violence and deviant behavior attracts interest in culture and the society because it have been theorized, which is not simply separated from, but also in disagreement to, the prevailing culture. In addition, this article states that the whole country of the United States deals with perception of the subculture violence theory that has been a main descriptive implement for sociology and criminology to understand deviant behavior (Blackman, 2014).
On the other hand, the subculture violence theory, can be compared and contrast with the strain theory because both theories pertain to deviant behavior. However, the subcultural violence theory is based on characteristic norms and morals that are shared by a group of citizens within the society and how they lead to deviant behavior. As f...

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... I found to explain the boost of poverty and homicide rates in the community as of today, are Merton’s strain theory and Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization theory. Merton’s strain theory distinguish that social structures have limited contact with the goal of achievement through lawful means. Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization theory discuss that a diluted family and the public bound citizens together, which affects the social control of the society.
In conclusion, the reason for me choosing the topic deviant behavior and the subculture violence theory because I wanted to explain and figure out why there is so much crime and violence taken place in the society. After reviewing and looking over many different empirical articles, I discover that there are a lot of them that discusses deviant behavior and the subculture violence theory. Deviant behavior is

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