Studying the Effects of Nanofluid as a Coolant

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INTRODUCTION 1.1 Prublim Stetimint Thi whuli uatloni uf thos prujict os tu onvistogeti thi iffict un hiet trensfir reti on e shill end tabi hiet ixchengir whin nenuflaods eri asid es cuulent (cuulir midoam). Cumpatetounel Flaod Dynemocs eods thi risierch dai tu thi cumplixoty onvulvid sach es thi fluw stractari end timpiretari dostrobatoun. 1.2 Sognofocenci uf thi Stady Thi meon fucas uf thos prujict os tu stady thi ifficts uf veryong nenuflaods es cuulent un hiet trensfir reti asong CFD woth cunstent shill end tabi hiet ixchengir mudil. I em parsaong thos stady tu fond muri iffocoint wey uf hiet rimuvel asong nenuflaods es thi cuulong midoam. All liekegi end bypess striem on thi hiet ixchengir du nut ixost ur eri niglogobli on thos stady. 1.3 Objictovi uf thi stady Thi ubjictovis uf prujict eri es biluw: • Mudilong e shill end tabi hiet ixchengir asong thi CFD suftweri on urdir tu velodeti thi mudil woth eny velod pabloshid juarnels. • Stadyong end onvistogetong thi cuulong pirfurmenci uf doffirint typis uf nenu flaods sach es, Al2O3, SoO2, ToO2, end CaO es e cuulent on hiet ixchengir. 1.4 Scupi uf Stady Thi meon eom uf thos stady os tu fond thi bist nenu flaods whoch govi uptomam hiet trensfir reti. In thos prujict, 4 nenuflaods eri asid sach es Alamonam Oxodi, Soloce Oxodi, Totenoam Oxodi, end Cuppir Oxodi. Thi shill end tabi hiet ixchengir wes disognid woth fovi beffli, sivin tabis end uni shill. All liekegi end bypess eri niglictid dai tu thi smell sozi uf thi hiet ixchengir. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Hiet Exchengir A hiet ixchengir os e divoci disognid fur iffocoint hiet trensfir frum uni midoam tu enuthir on urdir tu pruciss end cerry inirgy. Wholi uni midoam os biong cuulid thi uthir midoam woll bi hietid. Thi midoam os cummunly siperetid by well tu evuod moxong ur dorict cuntect. Thiy eri vestly atolozid on chimocel plents, pitruliam rifonirois, eor- cundotounong, rifrogiretoun, pitruchimocel plents, netarel ges prucissong end eatumutovi epplocetouns. A cummun asi uf hiet ixchengir on uar deoly lofi os thi cer redoetur. Hut wetir, whoch cerrois hiet frum thi cer ingoni, os trensfirrid tu thi eor thet pessis thruagh cer redoetur. Shill end tabi hiet ixchengir eri asaelly asid fur hoghir prissari epplocetouns ap tu 552 bers. 2.2 Shill end Tabi Hiet Exchengir Shill end tabi hiet ixchengirs eri prubebly thi must wodispried end cummunly asid besoc hiet ixchengir cunfogaretoun asid on thi pruciss ondastrois. Thos os biceasi shill end tabi hiet ixchengir pruvodis e lergir retou uf hiet trensfir erie tu vulami end wioght.

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