Student Nutrition

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How does lifestyle influence student’s eating habits? Do different lifestyles affect student’s eating habits?

The consumption of a healthy eating, weight control and general wellness are getting more significance throughout the daily living of the students. (Jackson, Berry, & Kennedy, 2009). Healthy diets, that contained low saturated fat and being rich in plant foods, have the advantages of increased longevity and lower percentages of chronic diseases. (Papadaki, Hondros, Scott, & Kapsokefalou, 2007). In general, part of the lifestyles and eating are started early in the student life. After the students have moved out from their comfort with their parents and changes in living arrangements, it will affect the outcomes of food choices, nutrient intakes, and physical activity patterns. Poor eating habits have reflected in increased risks of several chronic diseases, experiencing more stress and weight gain. (Driskell, Kim, & Goebel, 2005).

Students who suffer from stress as result of having too much workload of attending classes, pay no attention to eating habits, and for that reason, they are more prone to access to fast food as the price of the healthy foods are higher . A few research has illustrated the lifestyle of students including the amount of time spend on campus, studying and working, involvement in additional activities, and living arrangements. (Jackson et al., 2009). Nevertheless, the purpose of this research is to determine whether that different lifestyle factors may actually influence the student’s eating habits on campus.


Research Review 1

Researcher had done a study design and sample selection in a Canadian university undergraduate population. Students of the physical education faculty were voluntari...

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Papadaki, A., Hondros, G., Scott, J.A., & Kapsokefalou, M. (2007). Eating habits of University students living at, or away from home in Greece. Appetite, 49(1), 169-176.

Veal, A.J. (1993). The concept of lifestyle: a review. Leisure Studies, 12(4) 233-252.

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