Strong Safeguards Against Tyranny Dbq

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Tyranny is a monster, it has the power to make a country crumble and the people’s rights inside the country to be violated. The reason why this has not been seen in American since 1787 is because of our founding fathers wrote a new Constitution which placed strong safeguards against tyranny. This Constitution guarded against tyranny by establishing separations of power, a system of checks and balances, federalism, and the protection of big states and small states in government. The reason that this new Constitution was created is the Articles of Confederation was too weak. The states had more power over the National Government, which led to problems when the National Government went to collect tax money to pay off the war debt. Another problem with the Articles of Confederation was each state could use any currency they wanted. There was no main currency throughout the states which led to problems when people needed to buy things. The first safeguard is establishing a separation of powers, which is dividing the central government into three branches. In Document B it is said that for there to be Liberty the branches of government should be separate and equal. This works because the power could not fall into the …show more content…

This safeguard protects big populations from becoming too powerful over smaller populations and vice versa. They way this is achieved is by having the States represented in the House by their population. (Doc D) The way that this is equaled out is every state gets two representatives in the Senate. (Doc D) Both the House and The Senate have to agree on a law for it to pass so there for the factor of how many representatives a state has is factored out a tyranny is once again prevented from happening. This once again safeguards against tyranny because the power is equaled out among The States now allowing one population to have more say in government than a smaller

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