Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Cedars Health Plan

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The concepts behind a health plan are to be able to produce a holistic approach, in being able to reduce the incidence of disease within an animal unit by maintaining and controlling any potential diseases. They allow benchmarking to be set, where you can make comparisons between like-for-like farms and between the top 10%, nationally. Management changes and continual monitoring for future production can then be undertaken. Health plans are implemented on farms to be able to maintain and increase productivity within units and more importantly to prevent the entry of disease entering the unit and spreading; this can potentially cause business instability to the farm as populations become unstable. Health plans, such as that at Cedars, also take into account the concept of the Five Freedoms, which have become a legislation in the UK governments ‘Codes and Recommendations for the Welfare of Livestock’ (Farm Animal Welfare Council, 2009). These freedoms include:

1. Freedom from hunger and thirst
2. Expression of natural behaviour
3. …show more content…

By prioritising efforts that need to be made within the facility, this helps to reduce the chances of further infection being contracted in other areas of the facility. It facilitates in focusing treatments and control into areas that could cause further problems, both in terms of animal welfare and for the benefit of the owners; health issues that are economically important are dealt with first. Through further monitoring by veterinarians on these priorities, this means that those responsible for the actions needed, can focus and maximise the use of the available resources. This means that without priorities and set objectives, many useful resources could be potentially wasted, without leading to any successful outcomes, from which the actions of this health plan are

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