Strengths And Weaknesses Of Management

3007 Words7 Pages


Management includes a whole set of activities for efficient and effective conduction of business activities such as allocation, mobilization, combination and utilization of physical, human, financial and human resources in a judicious manner by deploying appropriate skills, techniques and approaches. This implies that human resources play a crucial role in a successful management. According to Lawrence Appley, Management is accomplishment of results through the efforts of other people. Management is a process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate purposive organization through systematic coordinated and cooperative human efforts ( Mc Farland).
In this world of taut competition especially between business organizations, there is usually a scarcity of managers that can optimize the use of resources especially the human resources for the achievement of organizational goals.
This essay is about assessing my management skills. I would like to know to what extent I am good as a manager. I would also like to know my weaknesses and improve upon them to become not only a successful manager but also contribute positively to the development of the organization with whom I am associated in the future.
I have taken the help of 3 quizzes and interviews with 4 acquaintances to assess my managerial skills, especially my strengths and weaknesses as a manager.


Successful management usually depends upon the optimum use of human resources. No matter how good and latest the machine is it has to be operated or worked upon by the personnel deployed. Wrong choice of human resources can wrought havoc on the performance of the business organization. This is about selection and recruitment of p...

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B: Intelligent and hard-working
C: Good behavior with the colleagues and good at team work
D: Work and target oriented and quite confident about what you do

8.: What are my weaknesses?
A: Quite impatient
B: Sometimes short tempered
C: Sometimes initial setback adversely affects your confidence
D: Jealous and at times selfish

9.: Am I good at taking risks?
A: You take risk only when confident of controlling the situation
B: You never take blind risk
C: You are very calculative when it is about taking risk
D: You first take into consideration the factors affecting the risk and then take it (risk)

10.: Am I good at handling changes?
A: You are usually hesitant to changes
B: You accept change after some time
C: You first take into consideration the effect of change and then accept the change
D: You thoroughly analyze the change and only then accept change

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