Strengths And Weaknesses Of Leadership

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Leadership strengths I have the ability to adapt to the situation. One of my first leadership roles included people that were new to the department. So I took on a directing style of leadership by being very specific in tasking and expectations. I gave them specific tasks to complete, explained what needed to be done, how it should be done and when I expected it to be completed. I did not give them any room for deviation from the task to be completed. According to Daft (2014), “The directing style is a highly dictating style and involves giving explicit directions about how tasks should be accomplished”. Due to various levels of individual skill levels, Wang (2001) noted that a good leader will adapt the style of leadership
McClesky 2014, wrote about how an effective leader utilizes both relation and task behaviors. I can adapt to the situation, but correctly pushing people to perform without making them upset is a challenge for me. I tend to be blunt rather than using diplomacy to create a comfortable relationship. I feel as though I’m in grade school rather than dealing with adults. Or maybe I’m just babysitting rather than leading adults to accomplish a goal for the company. My impatience begins to show and I’m more task orientated than relational
When it comes time for a decision to be made, I don’t want to look only at the hard data and base a decision. I will use the hard data, but also consider the emotional part as well. I will need to look at each individual and consider their needs along with the hard data before making a decision. I can measure this by having by having both hard data and individual concerns. This is certainly attainable and it can begin today and will become part of my future decision making anytime a decision needs to be made that could affect

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