Strengths And Weaknesses Of Health

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The Health Triangle includes the aspects of physical, mental, emotional, and social health. As a teenager, I have strengths and weaknesses that contribute to all three aspects of my health. There is always was for me to improve my health as I point out where that improvement in needed. I have strengths and weaknesses in the physical aspect of my health. My greatest strength in my physical health is that I try to eat as healthy as I can. I try to avoid food with high sugar and sodium. I choose to drink water over sugary drinks like soda or juice. One weakness in my physical health is that I do not exercise that often. I feel like I am swamped with school work and do not have the time to exercise during the school week; when I do have the time …show more content…

My strength that I find I have in my mental and emotional health is my ability to cope with the issue in my life either through seeking help with someone like a friend, my sister, or my mom or by figuring it out myself; I never like to bottle up my problems until the pressure gets the best of me. If I can’t seek the help of others and I feel overwhelmed then writing things down on paper helps me relieve the stress of my problems. One weakness in my mental and emotional health is that I do not always feel great about myself. I overthink the things I have done in the past and get mad at myself for some inconsequence, insignificant, embarrassing event. I have the weakness of not being able to let go of my past mistakes and I hold them over myself which sometimes makes me upset. I need to learn to let go of my past and to not get mad at myself over irrelevant things. Additionally, I have a strength in my social health. I am good at getting along with other people that I am friends and I make sure I am always there for them when they need me. I try to be nice to everyone and to help them through anything they need. I avoid fighting with them and try to make them laugh as much as possible. However, my weakness in my social health is that I am sometimes really shy when it comes to strangers that I refuse to talk to them. I can associate will with the people

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