Strengths And Weaknesses Of Document Analysis

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interests, courses taught, and involvement both within and outside their respective institutions. The primary strengths of document analysis are their richness as a source of additional data and their ability to stimulate additional interview questions (Love, 2003). The most significant limitation to document analysis is the non-interactiveness and non- responsiveness of the process (Love). However, Marshall and Rossman (1999) consider the unobtrusiveness and non-reactiveness of document analysis to be a strength because it can be conducted without disturbing the setting. An additional weakness of document analysis is the amount of inferential reasoning or interpretation by the researcher (Marshall & Rossman). During Phase II of the study, I will collect qualitative data via focus groups. The data collected …show more content…

I will take a relational approach to this study stressing equal status collaboration for myself as the researcher and the researched participants (Miles & Huberman, 1994). My fieldwork and observations will seek to avoid imposition of any sort, and reports will serve to confirm, support, or even to celebrate the experience of male faculty of color at (PWIs). However, protecting and showing respect for these individual’s time and contributions to my work will be my priority. This means that all documentation must be kept confidential and the identities of the participants must be unknown to anyone else on campus other than the researcher. It further means that I will keep all records off campus in a locked safe at my residency and all interviews will be done off campus at an undisclosed location chosen by the interviewee. I will show respect and honor the promises that I make to the interviewees throughout the process regarding their identity, safety, and

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