Strength in Numbers Can Lead from Peaceful Protests to Angry Mobs

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Strength in numbers is undeniable however, this strength is often misused. This misused strength often transforms even the most peaceful protests and originations into ruthless mobs. These mobs are directed by a leader, who without a strong moral compass, often will lead his own group to self destruction through the destruction of peace. Cooperation between like minded people to fight for what they believe in is nothing new. These groups tend to be peaceful with the exception for groups who wish to promote social change. However, people are creatures of habit who follow the guidelines of society and when a hot bed issue such as the civil rights or a more modern comparison such as gay marriage, people become very reluctant to change what is common place in society. These creates division between people and from there groups form on how to make their change become reality. These groups then form their own mob mentality which is where they begin to go down the slippery slope of immorality. This immoral behavior is spawned from the belief that individuals can hide from their moral respo...

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