Unveiling the Benefits of Strength Training for Women

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Everyday there are females who do not experience the full benefits of an exercise program because they fail to include a strength training workout as part of their regimen. One reason why females tend to stray away from strength training is the lack of knowledge concerning the benefits they can experience with this type of workout, while others fail to include it because of myths that surround it.
Throughout the years research has shown that strength training, combined with aerobic exercise and a proper diet, can provide numerous health benefits. Once believed to be dangerous for young children, as well as for older adults, it is now proven to be beneficial for both young and old alike.
There are numerous health benefits associated with strength …show more content…

There are a couple of myths that are pertinent to me as a female, as well as a coach of female athletes.
The first such myth surrounds the concerns involving physical appearance. Although strength training is excellent at providing definition to muscles, as well as toning them up, the fear of “bulking up” still tend to scare off women. As a coach of female athletes I have to explain that the chemical and muscle fiber make up of a female differs from that of a male and lifting weights will only add muscle strength not muscle size.
Other myths surround the type of exercise needed and the rate at which the exercise must be performed in order to be productive. Myth has it that you can chose to do cardio or strength training in order to lose weight where in reality you need to do both. Along the same line is the myth that you must maintain a certain heart rate in order to burn off calories, however the fact that matters most in weight loss is the difference between the number of calories you consume and the number of calories you expend- not the rate at which it …show more content…

The first thing that needs to take place when starting a new strength training program is some type of strength assessment. By assessing and recording baseline fitness levels, scores can be used to determine the current fitness level, as well as, measure progress that is being made throughout the training program. There are five main areas of fitness that should be evaluated: 1) Cardiorespiratory function, 2) muscle strength, 3) muscle endurance, 4) body composition, and 5) muscle and joint flexibility. Everyone has a unique entry point into a training program and by using an assessment program prior to beginning their workout, information that can help plan the best and most productive workout can be gathered. In order to gather this information you may use specific test for each area being measured, seek the help of a medical professional, or pay a fitness professional. Such test may include the Bruce Protocol Treadmill Test for cardiorespiratory fitness which helps find your submaximal working heart rate allowing you to know your best training zone. By understanding which zone you should be training in you can achieve optimal training results based on the goals you set. Muscle strength and muscle endurance can be measured by performing a basic sit up and push up test. Body composition can be determined by BMI

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