Steroid Persuasive Essay

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“I wanted to get bigger muscles for my college football game. I went online and found a place that I could buy steroids from. I ordered them, the place said that my order would be here in two days. When my order arrived I had to sign a paper for them. I didn't read the paper before I signed. I walked away from the door and I heard the doorbell ring. It was the police. They said that I signed for illegal drugs, a week later I lost my place on the team.’’ John Richard. Anabolic steroids were developed in the late 1930s, to treat hypogonadism. The earliest known performance enhancing drug in American professional sports was when Pud Galvin used it in 1889. Athletes should not take steroids. Steroids cause problems in athletes life. because steroids cause health problems. When …show more content…

It is common for athletes who have used steroids to get some type of health problem, such as kidney disease, liver cancer, and heart cancer. For instance, “Steroids may seem necessary at the time but quick rewards can outweigh the long term consequences to the users health.” (Berman). This shows that when people use steroids they are hurting their body. People who use steroids are hurting their body. Those who use steroids have health problems. That states that athletes shouldn’t use steroids because it causes bad health. A professional football player wanted to use steroids. He googled all the things that could happen to his body. He saw all the bad things that will happen to his health, he used steroids anyway. Her died a year later, because he used too much steroids at one time. Men who take anabolic steroids may get developed breasts, sharp pains,and kidney disease. Women may experience deepening of the voice, bad headaches, and sharp pains.(Smith).For instance, when people use steroids they are not helping themself they are only doing bad things to their body. Athletes should not take steroids because it has a negative effect on their

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