Hegemonic Masculinity In Film: The Most Important Role Of Women In The Film

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First things first, starting off with how gender plays a very important role when it comes to heroic films like these. Most of the movies out in the world have all male dominance where they are usually the lead characters and end up saving the world. This is the most stereotypical presentation within the media, which refers to white hegemonic masculinity in the film industry. Simply because they are considered to be far more superior to other races within the United States, one must be white, heterosexual, powerful, affectionate and athletic in build to be able to categorize as hegemonic masculinity. Not to mention that in the end, where the main character called Ben was able to man up and kiss his crush, Kendall. This is what the media portrays to show that women want men who are the whole package of being brave, This reveals the passion and desire where the teenage boys are curious and want to see a woman stripping naked on the dance pole. In this scene, Denise instead portrays feminine heroine, which shows that she is definitely not the typical female actor in most movies, where she is “childlike, feminine and passive” (Friedan 3). Instead she is bold and strong since she took matter into her own hands and wield a shotgun to save the two teenage boys that were trapped in the club. Then again, Denise has all the characteristics for a female lead in the film, she is beautiful, has an amazing physique and she showed her side of being able to take care of herself without men’s help. Unfortunately that wasn’t enough because she somehow disappeared and left towards the end of the movie. Besides showing a different view of feminine heroine, she still cannot escape the details of having to show certain body parts or even a bit of skin to appear sexually

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