Stereotypes in Anita and Me

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After analysing certain interpretations in "Anita & Me" I agree with Meera Syals opinion that if you judge people in groups; you do not understand humanity.

I think Syal has used typical stereotypes so that viewers can relate to issues and prejudices that relate to them also. As an Asian herself, Syal has portrayed the old-fashioned traditional views of Asian families within her Indian characters in Anita & Me.

In Anita & Me, Meena seems to experience a clash of both Eastern and Western cultures. She is a young girl trapped between growing up in the Western culture where she has been born and brought up, however her parents still want her to adapt to her Eastern Cullture although she is a British Asian and expect her to follow their ways of living. I believe that Syal has rightfully highlighted this factor as most British Asians have experienced this confusion of cultural identity in some point of their lives. Syal has even depicted Auntie Sheila, as a typical, over-bearing, boastful Asian stereotype. Auntie Sheila is a woman from the city who struts around very proudly. She snubs Meena about not wearing Indian dress and talking Punjabi. I think at one point in the film she even refers to Meena as a "coconut", meaning white on the inside and brown on the outside.

For a White European audience watching Anita & Me, they may think the likes of Meena's parents and Auntie are just simply dictating and putting way too much input in Meena's life. For example; Meena is made to sit the entrance exams for a posh grammar school in town. Even Meena's mother seems to be oblivious to the fact that her daughter wants to be a writer as she wants her to be something more traditional like a doctor or lawyer. Once again, this stereotype o...

... middle of paper ... of a Punjabi couple settled in the village of Tollington. She dreams of growing up to be a "blonde writer." Meena therefore immediately feels drawn to her new neighbour, the daughter of a one-parent family who move in next door; bold, blonde and beautiful Anita Rutter.

From the moment Anita erupts onto the screen; Meena knows she wants to be her friend. (Meena chants "Whats your name? Be my friend!") Meena is instantly attracted to Anita's attitude and the way she carries off her persona. Meena longs to be a part of Anita's gang "the wenches" therefore attracts Anita's attention when she steals sweets from the local shop, having helped Anita escape form the shop, Meena joins her gang. In a metaphorical way, I think that Meena only became Anita's friend because of her "proving" that she was worthy of becoming a Wench as she would be loyal member of the gang.

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