Stereotypes at PLHS

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Stereotypes in school have been found to affect students and their education. We did research at our school Point Loma High School, before we did our research we read “How self fulfilling stereotypes affect people by Shankar Vedantam. I his article he expliand how people can be racist without knowing. He also showed how you can find if someone is racist through computer games. from our research of our school we have found that their are steretypes without using Vedantams method.

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For our process of collecting the data we started by Mrs Roberts giving us the questions we then interviewed two people one in class one out of class. From Their we submitted the data into a spreadsheet. We then reviewed the submitted looking at both Gender and ethnicity. We continued by looking at how people deal with their stereotypes in and outside of school.

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Our class has done research into stereotypes at our school. We have interviewed one hundred and sixty five students. Seventy nine percent of the people we interviewed were in ninth grade. The rest were evenly spread between tenth eleventh and twelfth grade. Only forty eight percent of our participants were female while fifty two percent were male. The majority of our participants identified themselves as white, at forty six percent. Thirty three percent of our participants were hispanic or latino. Seven percent were African american, four percent were asian american, and ten percent were other. Our participants also identified themselves as students, athletes, and teenagers. Our participants most noticed their stereotype at school but, outside of class. When the participants were asked what they would do to respond to stereotypes. The primary group ignored th...

... middle of paper ... implicitly racist or lying about their racism. Professor Kang used computer simulated games to find out how people prejudice. Our school most likely has an implicit prejudice within our school not realizing we are racist. This prejudice could do bad things for our school in the future.

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To stop the prejudice and stereotypes within our school and change its culture. It has too many people throughout all school groups. Not just small similar individuals doing all the work. Me personally i could stop using stereotypes as jokes and not use or say to people. With me not using these stereotypes in could affect others to stop using stereotypes as well. For other people if they could stand up for people who are being told stereotypes to them and stand up for themselves. This could change peoples opinions and also change our schools culture of stereotyping.

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