Stem Cell Advantages And Disadvantages

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A stem cell is a cell that can duplicate into many more specialized cells. The stem cells are used to repair cornea and other parts of the human body. Stem cells have a rich supply of growth factors. Stem cells could be used as a repair system. During research at the University of Sheffield, engineers used special techniques to create a disk, loaded with stem cells, to place over the cornea. Researchers performed a treatment on a man whom suffered from a heart attack. Researchers used stem cells to help regain the lost parts of his heart. Scientists can now make dynamic changes to stem cells to create them to begin the early stages of tissue repair. Scientists are working on producing gels made from clay inserted with stem cells. …show more content…

At the University of Sheffield, engineers have advanced in a unique technique for transporting stem cell therapy to help the natural repair of eyes damaged by accident or disease. In research, the team of engineers from the University of Sheffield presented a technique by creating membranes that duplicate the structure of the eye to help with the implant of stem cells to treat the damaged corneal. Using special techniques such as microstereolithography and electrospinning, the engineers created a disk with stem cells. The disk is then fitted over the cornea. On the outer edge of the disk is a ring that contains niches or pockets, similar to the niches or pockets found a humans healthy cornea. In the niches or pockets, stem cells that were taken from the patient 's healthy eye are implanted. This method is very effective due to the fact that the material across the center of the disk is thinner allowing it to biodegrade more quickly, allowing the stem cells to multiply across the surface of the eye to repair the cornea. The engineers expect the treatment to be more successful and cheaper than current methods (Optician). Trials of stem cell therapy have been put to the test in the last couple years, such as in Miami, Florida when Edgar Irastorza’s heart stopped beating. Edgar Irastorza was 31 when his pulse flatlined. Edgar had gained weight following his wife 's third pregnancy. Edgar had been working out and …show more content…

Researchers from the University of Southampton propose that gels made from clay may administer the right environment that would stimulate stem cells to regenerate lost tissue such as cornea, bone, skin, heart, spinal cord, liver and pancreas. Clay particles attract molecules to bind together. Scientists propose that will be able to use the clays encouragement to get stem cells to grow new tissue. Researchers first approach is to regenerate bone lost to cancer or hip replacement failure. If researchers are successful, then stem cells can be brought to a whole other level. Stem cells could be applied to burn victims or to people suffering from diabetes or parkinson 's disease. Clay particles are what could be needed to stimulate the process at a particular point of injury. There are two major challenges for the purpose of basic stem based therapies. The first major challenge is being able to hold the stem cells at the right location. Researchers propose that clay particles gelled in water can injected into the body and held at the exact site of injury eliminating the need for surgery. Clay particles also interact with polymers which are used in scaffolds, which stem cells grow on. Researchers hope this will improve the scaffold’s strength to preserve the support at the site of injury until regeneration is done. The ability of clay to overcome these is huge(Life Science Weekly). Also

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