Static Electricity Essay

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Static Electricity was first mentioned in 600B.C, and since then Electricity has been re-invented in so many different ways.

So is technology our friend or foe, or is it simply another hazard? Almost everyone has some kind of technology; however, is it changing our lives, in a way that we lose a sense of culture?

Firstly, I would like to discuss the beginning of technology and how it has quickly changed. From 1822, the first rotating device that used electromagnetism that was built by Peter Barlow. To then, 12 years later in May 1834, the first actual working electric motor was built by Moritz Jacobi. 4 years later, in September 1838, Jacobi then improved the first electric motor, it was now powerful enough to drive a boat across a (wide) river, filled with 14 people. Although it wasn’t until 1839/1840 that other inventors, worldwide, were able to build motors that were of a higher performance. However, it wasn’t until 1868, that the first power station was built. The power station was used to power; lights, heating, inventions that produced hot water, an elevator, life saving devices and farm buildings. It wasn’t although until 1882, that the public power station started operation. Therefore technology advances, are our friend.

Since then, inventors have created a wide range of inventions, an invention that has once again been reinvented was the telephone, the idea was first created back in 1874, but it wasn’t until March 1876, when Alexander Graham Bell first uttered, "Mr. Watson -- come here -- I want to see you." That was the day that the multiple telegraph had been disgarded.

Another invention that is now frequently used is the computer. The concept was made in 1822, by Charles Babbage, but it wasn’t until 1837 when he ...

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...on between two human beings. This point could also be linked, to many that would agree, that children tend to stay inside to play on the computer or they interact or play with their friends online than rather going outside.

Evidently, technology can be used in a way that helps us with everyday problems but the way technology has been directed it changes culture in a way that is not so good. It can change many lives, by the way we eat because we tend to eat ‘junk food’ when using the computer. It also changes how we live, in the sense that we would rather be online than outside. Therefore I have to say that technology can be a foe. However, technology is more of a friend than we may assume.

As a society we should be careful when using technology or we may succumb to its grasp and pull us into an online world, that is both meaningless and destructive to our health.

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