State Of The Union Speech Summary

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In January of 2010, President Obama presented the annual State of the Union address. In the address Obama speaks about many things he has accomplished in the past year and hopes to accomplish in the coming year. The first thing he wants to accomplish is health care reform. The next issue he needs to accomplish is the budget. Then, Obama speaks about some bills and policies that he wants to go into place. The ones that were specifically brought up were the climate bill and the cap-and-trade. Lastly, they share their views and perceptions on Obama and his administration. In the Washington Post Will and Gerson discuss the State of the Union address. In these works the authors both agree about the address and the messages sent to the American In Will’s article he points out that the president almost hits the halfway point in time before presenting the topic. Both Will and Gerson quote the president when he admits to not explain the issue clearly to the American people. Will presents the information and says that the president implies that the American people are slow learners. Also he makes a point that the governmental health care topic has been around as well as information about the reform, and the people still do not like the president’s proposal. Gerson says, “If only Obama had made a few more speeches, Americans would have been delivered from their misconceptions.” Gerson comes off as being sarcastic in this statement and he also points out that the president lacks sympathy. Both writers have a tone about the health care reform, but Will saying the president is calling Americans incompetent and Gerson is saying no matter how much information there is presented in the reform will not be The first issue discussed in the speech was healthcare reform. The next topic was the budget and another stimulus. Then, Obama addressed some bills and policies, specifically the climate bill and the cap-and-trade. Lastly, the authors views on Obama and his views on his administration. Both Will and Gerson cover the State of the Union address. In their articles they both agree about the address’ topics and messages to the American people, as well as disagreeing on some of the bills and policies the president

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