St. Francis Research Paper

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Francis shows endless, intense love for others around him, even for those whom have belittled him for living in poverty. These amplified characteristics of Francis are present at some degree in most people. Perceiving no difference or superiority between a simple animal or a human being, St. Francis shows his true character by giving "his cloak to redeem two lambs being carried off to the butcher" (153). Just as Francis wraps up an innocent animal, kindhearted people in today's community in may find a sick bird and nurse it back to health or create shelter and provide food for a stray animal. An example of this is how a family I knew would find baby birds that had fallen out of a nest and try to give it a chance at living its life. "Wishing to give every growing thing a chance to live out its life" is a rule Francis lived to follow, even if that meant his friars couldn’t chop down a tree to obtain wood for a fire (153). Continuing with the ideal of nursing back to health, I believe medical professionals such as registered nurses have a similar experience of how Francis may have felt with lepers. Intense disgust and repulsion was shown to a man with leprosy in which …show more content…

Francis' life I found his intense love and eagerness to serve his Lord the most intriguing and visible in life in the twenty first century. Loving and comforting animals is a very relatable character trait for almost everyone, some people feel worse about harming an animal than they would another of their own species. To the most grotesque and ill Francis welcomed them with open arms; the way many medical professionals do with the desire to help mentally, emotionally, and physically. Finally, Francis would not allow others to belittle him with the reaction of tenderness and respect towards harsh words and actions presented against him. These few characteristics of a strong and loyal servant and human being made St. Francis admired in his time and in the modern

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