Sport World and Appearance

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The sports world places an emphasis on the an athlete's appearance. The typically athlete strives to appear lean and fit. Because of the added emphasis, studies have shown that, an athlete has a higher risk of developing an eating disorder that that of other non-athletes. Eating disorders are most commonly found in sports such as ballet and other types of dance, figure skating, gymnastics, swimming, rowing, running, horse racing, and ski jumping. While these are the widely non sports that are affect by eating disorders, even athletes that participate in wrestling and body building can be affected by eating disorder. There is a variety of disorders found in different sports. For example, a ballet dancer would most likely no suffer from the same eating disorder as a wrestler. Athletes suffer from a range of diseases, from anorexia to binge eating. One of the most common reasons that an athlete suffers from an eating disorder is from the immense pressure each athlete is put under. Just like an athlete wants to top-notch equipment, he or she also wants the “perfect” body for the specific sport. Each sport has an “ideal” body type that will help the athlete achieve the most success. There are three basic body types, or somatotypes. They are: ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs. A person that is considered an extomorph has a narrow-shaped body, a thin face, and little fat or muscle This is the ideal body type for a long distance runner. Then, there is a mesomorph. This person has a wedge-shaped body, wide shoulders, narrow hips, and is muscular. This would be the ideal body type for sprinters. Finally, some people fall under the category of endomorphic. An endomorph has a pear-shaped body. They also have wi... ... middle of paper ... ...ible change in weight and frequent trips to the bathroom. Bulimia, like anorexica, can cause harmful effects to the person's body. Some effects of bulimia include laceration of the oral cavity, esophageal inflammation, esophageal tears and ruptures, and dental erosion. These consequences all stem from self-induced vomiting. Bulimia nervosa can also lead to malnutrition, abnormal heart rhythms, low blood pressure, dehydration, amenorrhea, and electorlyte imbalances ( Binge eating occurs when a person constantly eats a large amount of food in a small amount of time. Many people with binge eating disorder are overweight or obese, but some are of normal weight. ( Some of the most common symptoms of binge eating are weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoarthritis, joint and muscle pain, and/or sleep apnea.

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