Spies Beneath Berlin, By David Stafford

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Spies Beneath Berlin by David Stafford is the recently declassified story of Operation Gold, the joint CIA-SIS mission to spy on the USSR. For sixty years, no one knew the true story of Operation Gold, also known as Operation Stopwatch, which was the mission to build a tunnel from West Berlin to East Berlin to spy on the Soviets. The tunnel, nicknamed “Smokey Joe” was built in 1954 and spanned 500 meters, leading to a major Soviet telecommunications system. Operation Gold is considered both one of the greatest engineering and intelligence feats of all time, but it was not without its problems.
Before the construction of the tunnel, the US, Britain, and their allies had no way of spying on the Soviet Union. It was extremely difficult, if not impossible to send spies over the Iron Curtain. The United States’ Central Intelligence Agency and the British Secret Intelligence Service teamed up to build a tunnel that would travel from East to West Berlin so that they could tap on Soviet intelligence telecommunication cables and listen in on their conversations, thereby gathering intelligence. …show more content…

It involved smuggling building materials past soviet guards and moving thousands of tons of soil without depositing any above ground. To cover, they built a warehouse with a basement specifically made to hold all the soil. From there, they could begin work on the tunnel itself. Unfortunately, initial attempts were disasters because they accidentally tapped into a sewer instead of a building and miscalculated the water table, each of which led to the funnel flooding. In order to avoid further flooding, they would have to build the tunnel only six feet under ground, and risk

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