Spending Habits That Influence Generation Y

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Generation Y members, also known as millennials have notably less motivation to purchase a vehicle or real estate compared to the previous decades. Numerous individuals are tolerating occupations at less pay since they are less challenging. Many people are accepting jobs at reduced pay because they are easier and much less mentally challenging compared to a job which demands a higher education. In other words, these people may accept a serving or retail position to pay for college. However because of accessibility and cost of education, they may choose to drop out of college and keep the job they have currently invested time in.
Even though it has been said that a college graduate will make on average one million dollars dynamically over the years in contrast to another individual without a college education, the student loan debt level is excessive at one trillion in approximation. This is a number that is imaginably startling to any college freshman straight out of high school in a lower class that cannot afford to pay for college tuition out of pocket.
The average student of the Y generation earns their degree accruing $26,000 in loan debt to obtain such education. This is one among several reasons that more students are returning home to once again live with their parents. Due to the higher cost of living and many jobs requiring a higher level of education, this generation is less likely have the funds to lease or own their own house.
This hurts the economy where the home owners that buy houses to fix and resell aren’t making as big of a profit as they had planned for. It will be seen that more and more people aren’t able to acquire housing due to the extreme expense and exceptional credit requirements. The bank is coll...

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Thompson, Derek, and Jordan Weissmann. "Millennials Aren't Buying Cars Or Houses, And It Could Hurt The Economy." Business Insider. Business Insider Inc., 25 Aug. 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. .
Touryalai, Halah. "Student Loan Problems: One Third Of Millennials Regret Going To College." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 22 May 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. .
Tuttle, Brad. "Business & Money." Business Money Millennials Are Biggest Suckers for Selfish Impulse Buys Comments. Time Inc., 27 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. .

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