Racism In Mass Effect

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Space Racism: The Game The Mass Effect trilogy of games is set in the relatively distant future, 2183 CE, when humans have become capable of faster than light travel and have become part of an intergalactic community. The technology may be highly advanced in this universe, but society is still plagued by familiar issues such as racism. This series of games not only portrays racism, but through the interactive medium, allows the player to recognize and correct it. The overarching plot of Mass Effect is that in deep space dwells an ancient race of intelligent synthetic-organic starships that regularly cull all organic life in the galaxy. Sheppard, the main character, must unite the forces of the galaxy to fight against the menace, a task complicated …show more content…

Consequently, other’s opinions of them range from wariness to abhorrence. Quarians are a gypsy race, looked down upon as thieves, beggars, and vagabonds. They are blamed for bringing their plight of homelessness upon themselves, and shunned for it. Excessive violence, crime, and helplessness due to slothfulness or poor decisions are commonly perpetuated stereotypes. These portrayals of minorities in Mass Effect may be played up, but still reflect modern bigoted views of African …show more content…

As the main character walks around urban areas, there are multiple displays that are highly reminiscent of modern racial inequities. On one occasion, a quarrian, stereotyped as a beggar and thief, is falsely accused of theft, and arrested for it. On another, a minority race is detained and called slurs for lacking appropriate paperwork. Also shown is a privileged asari doubting the wholesome intent of a krogan for romance on the grounds that krogan are brutish and incapable of affection. When the player recognizes events such as these, it is possible to intervene and decry the racist

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