Case Study On Space Exploration

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Space Exploration:
Funding a solution. From the United States to North Korea people constantly encounter droughts, famine, war, and disease. Currently, the approach is to handle each of these situations independently and reactively. People are encouraged to donate money, energy, and time to resolve these issues, but because the focus on resources, time and energy is unilateral, efforts tend to get duplicated. This puts the citizens of earth in a cumbersome position to compete over finite resources. The solution to all of these worldly issues lies in traveling where no man has ventured before. Focusing on space exploration will force people to come up with immediate solutions to address earth’s current issues. Historically the focus on space …show more content…

Over 17,908 people have been infected with Ebola since March of 2014 in what is considered the worst outbreak of Ebola in modern times ( This is a current example of mankind 's tendency to be reactive and the consequences of it. Ebola was discovered near the Ebola river in 1976 and yet no substantial effort to find a treatment was made until 2014. This is the issue with the current approach. Today it is Ebola, tomorrow H7N9. oTo break this cycle, look toward a goal that unites all disease under one umbrella. That united goal is space …show more content…

Originally developed to purify wastewater for reuse aboard the International Space Station, the innovation is applicable to numerous situations on Earth where there is a need to collect potable, medical-grade water from a contaminated water supply. The unique aspect of the technology is its use of acoustics rather than pressure to drive water through small-diameter carbon nanotubes. The invention requires less power than conventional filtration systems and is well-suited to a variety of water processing

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