Souths Seccesion and Start of Civil War

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For four years, Americans fought against one another on the battlefield. This war would come to make up the bloodiest war in American history. Over the four years, over 620,000 soldiers died in the conflict. This war became one the most traumatic event in American History. Since the beginning of colonization to the 1860’s, the people in this country were slowly being divided. From 1850 to 1861, it was apparent that the union was separating into the North and the South and battle was soon to follow. With this division, peace could not continue amongst the country, for the country was filled with problems that affected the common Americans. With the events that led up to the war, the South felt like they had every reason to secede from the United States of America. The divided economies of the North and South in addition to the conflicting cultures are what caused the Civil War. The Civil War lasted for four years, from 1861 to 1865. It was between the Northern and the Southern states of the United States of America. Although, they were united by government, their viewpoints were totally different. From the early days of America, the thirteen states grew differently. Each state had their own rights and beliefs. Slavery to the south was a way of life. Slavery was not just people being enslaved, but the use of slavery was a source of income and played a huge role in the Southern economy. The Southern economy was mainly based off slavery and the production of crops that the slaves produced. Without the use of slaves many believe that the economy would not last and would crash. Cotton had become the most profitable cash crop in the south. In 1860 around the time the south seceded. The South was producing around 4 million bales of ... ... middle of paper ... ... was a threat to the institution of slavery and would abolish it all together. With the election of Lincoln, the South felt like they had no choice but to secede from the Union. His election was the spark that not only lit the flame of secessionist behavior but also plunged our nation into one of America’s greatest crisis in history. The issue over the southern economy and independence, high tariffs, and the election of Lincoln are four of the main reasons of why the South seceded from the United States. The South wanted and fought for their independence from the North just as the colonies had a hundred years ago with Britain. They believed that the secession was the only way they were going to succeed and grow as a slave nation. These situations and conflicts are what brought forth the bloodiest war in American history. Works Cited America a Narritive History

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