Decoding the Downside of American Colonization in South America

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Thesis Statement:America should not colonize South America because the natives will not have freedom, trades may interfere, and a cultural division could happen.

Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence: If America took over South America, some of the people's freedom will be different or taken away.
Supporting Evidence #1: In document one it says,“... Europeans governed people in a parental way by providing for their needs but not giving them rights” ( World History,2009, p.781).
Explanation:This points out that there will be conflicts between the two because the people can not do or say what they want to do. America can provide South America with stuff they really need, but that does not mean the people can use the facility. Maybe only wealthy people can use them because they can afford it. Now that is not fair to the people who can not afford it. Everyone has rights that they use. Supporting Evidence #2: the Europeans would …show more content…

Supporting Evidence #1: In document one it stated, “The European nations divided the continent with little thought about how African ethnic or linguistic groups were distributed. No African ruler was invited to attend these meetings, yet the conference sealed Africa's fate” (World History,2009, p.776)
Explanation: America can cause some division to the country. There is different kinds of cultures in South America. This may cause some conflicts between other cultures. They might leave some other people's cultures out of some activities. This may cause some disagreements and fights between the clashing cultures, which may lead to an outbreak of violence in the country.
Supporting Evidence #2: In South America, Boer was made into a self- governing country.But it was took over by the British, which happened in 1910.(World

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