Creative Writing: Sour

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"You idiot!" A man shouted. "I said 'screwdriver', not whatever the hell this is!" His throat was becoming awfully sore from shouting at a younger man searching through the toolbox for a screwdriver, he was grabbing everything but the screwdriver. A green skinned alien named Sour sat in a seat which reminded him of the 'timeout chair' in kindergarten, which he called Jail. The last thing Sour could remember was that he was knocked out, someone had hit him in the back of the head with a hammer. The angry man continued to shout at the young gentleman, until he noticed that Sour was awake. "Sir!" The young man screamed over his Boss's shouting, "He is awake!" His boss turned around to Sour. The man had skin that was starting to wrinkle around …show more content…

Jacoby would not let Sour live, never would he let this... Child... This monster be freely roaming the streets! "Never," He said, slowly squeezing the trigger of his pistol. He loosen his grip on his gun and dropped it. Blue man had a katana pressed against Jacoby's back. "Please stop, sir," he said, politely. Blue man's eyes were focused on his boss and the sweat dripping from his forehead. Jacoby was enraged, his 'loyal' friend was not so loyal after all. He faced the young gentleman, his lips formed a thin frown. Mr. Jacoby kicked the sword out of blue man's hand and knocked him to the ground. Sour stood up, all this fighting was annoying. He didn't even know why they were fighting. "Who the friggin' hell are you?!" Sour screamed, his hands in tight fists. Jacoby laughed and patted Sour's shoulder. Sour always hated it when people would touch him, so he punched Jacoby straight in the face, breaking his glasses and nose. The blue haired one stood by, wiping invisible dirt off his plaid shirt. "We're the U.M.F." He said, glaring at Jacoby. "Also known as the stupid group of idiotic Underage Mad Fools," Jacoby said, cursing as he held his head back, squeezing his bleeding nose with a cloth to keep the blood from dripping onto his $500 navy blue

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