Socrates Unexamined Life

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In Plato’s The Apology, Socrates argues that accepting society the way it is and not questioning it is something that he is incapable of doing. Socrates believes that “the unexamined life isn’t worth living” (39) because it doesn’t allow for the people to think critically about the world they live in. What does Socrates mean when he says “the unexamined life” (39)? The unexamined life seems to be living your life without questioning and thinking critically about the various aspects of the society that we live in. Given that is what we believe the unexamined life is, the examined life would be very similar to the life that Socrates lives. This would be life of critical thinking and deep questioning of all the aspects of your life, making sure Failure to think critically and question things that are given to us can lead to a stagnant society due to a lack of both innovation and new ideas that change our perspectives. It is extremely important to examine our own lives because we may catch ourselves blindly following or accepting thing in our life. We examine our lives to find out about ourselves and become better at the many different parts of our lives. Examination of our lives can not only lead to new, revolutionary ideas being formed but can also help transform what is believed to be fact into falsehood. For example, when Leonardo Fibonacci questioned why one was the first value and why there wasn’t a value assigned to nothing, the world of mathematics was revolutionized. Many parts of modern mathematics are founded on basic principles that were created after the adoption of zero into the number system. Another example is when Copernicus questioned why the earth had to be the center of our universe and why it couldn’t be the sun, he revolutionized science as we know it. He changed the way that we think about our universe and astronomy as a whole. Both of these men questioned one seemingly tiny aspect of their lives because they weren’t sure if it was totally true, and they revolutionized their field due to

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