Sociopath As Psychopath

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Sociology has been in the process of being studied for years. It is uncertain why people are just diagnosed as a “sociopath”. Why does this happen? Are these people different from everyone else? Well to answer that, the answer is no. They are normal people just like everyone else who just happen to think differently than others at times. Sociopaths have the ability to somewhat control their thoughts, because they are not crazy, just harmed.
A sociopath is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in severe antisocial attitudes, behavior and with a lack of conscience. The term sociopath is no longer used to describe this disorder. It is now described as someone with an antisocial personality disorder but there is no term used for it. In the dictionary, a sociopath is scripted as someone who is not mentally ill and can make their own decisions. “Sociopaths cannot love, by definition they do not have higher values, and they almost never feel comfortable in their own skins. They are loveless, amoral, and chronically bored, even the few who become rich and powerful.” (The sociopath next door). At times they just have thoughts that can go overboard.
When people have thoughts they can’t control, it can definitely drive them to do something that is not a very smart thing to do. But when that happens, these people are described as a psychopath. So what are the differences between sociopaths and psychopaths? Well, normally psychopaths are referred to when a person crosses the criminal line and they are “born with temperamental differences such as impulsivity, cortical under arousal, and fearlessness that lead them to risk-seeking behavior and an inability to internalize social norms.” (

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...hey can’t help it, therefore the drugs are taken to help maintain how they feel. Although for each patient the treatment is different because it is therapy. Some people are treated for, behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and psychotherapy. The hardest part to treating these people is that they don’t believe they have a problem.
What is in store for sociopaths in the future? There has not been much talk as in how to help sociopaths and or cure unstable people, but it is known that there will be studies on stronger medication to reduce APD and other disorders like it. Fortunately, if they find a curable drug to help these disorders there won’t have to be therapy treatments anymore because APD will be cured.
In conclusion, sociopaths are just like everyday people. They have the ability to somewhat control their thoughts, because they are not crazy, just harmed.

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