Sociology And The Functionalist Perspective

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Sociology is the study of human relationships, at the micro and macro level. Sociology’s range of study is diverse. Many theorists have come to unify these studies offering different perspectives to the science. A major perspective in Sociology lies in the fundamentals of functionalism. In Functionalism “In the functionalist perspective, societies are thought to function like organisms, with various social institutions working together like organs to maintain and reproduce societies.” (Boundless) This perspective highlights that societies work together to perform functions that work symbiotically. I personally picked the functionalist perspective to write my essay about because it views the people or society in well and with a sense of stableness. …show more content…

Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist, psychologist and a philosopher. Durkheim along with Karl Marx and Max Weber are considered the fathers of Sociology. His developments and contribution to sociology and the functionalist perspective were tremendous in that he believed human society could be studied scientifically without deducing it only to the biological and psychological level, keep in mind, this was a time where sociology was not considered as a distinct study. The functionalist perspective has many elements to its entirety. Functionalists “interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the stability of the whole society” (Crossman, Sociology.about..) this basically means each part of society is like a jig-saw puzzle, with each part relying on the next and so on. The “parts” so to speak that perform functions in society consist of; government, family, educational institutions, media, economy, religion, …show more content…

Durkheim paved the way for many more theorists to farther advance the study “he also was an advocate for the scientific method” (ELearnPortal..). Emile Durkheim’s study and book called Suicide gained wide popularity. Durkheim’s methodological study in this subject of matter was the first of its kind. Durkheim studies suicide rates in different European countries by religion. He found differentiating suicide rates by religions, social class, socio-economic class, age, education level. This data was amazing because it gave factual evidence for factors determining suicide. Knowing and recognizing the reasons may be used in other studies such as public health to help save lives by educating the people and lowering risk factors to prevent and lower suicide

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