Society and Structural Forces: Inequality and Poverty

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Throughout this course that has been many key terms and perspectives presented. The first section of these paper two segments will be described and the societal and structural forces will be understood. Then the second part of the paper there will be core theoretical perspectives broken down and explained. Through this year the class has been broken down into 4 parts. There was the first part that discusses foundational processes. The second part talks about social boundaries and inequality. The third part talked about institutions. The last part of the class was a discussion on social change. In foundational processes a few things are discussed such as culture. In the United States we are aware of our cultural diversity when we hear several different languages. Compared to a country such as Japan, whose historical isolation makes it the most monoculture of all high –income nations, centuries of heavy immigration have made the United States the most multicultural of all high income countries. If we tried to focus completely on an individual we would know the details about a person. If we zoom out and look at subject of the culture we learn a little bit more. We are able to see a bunch of different kinds of culture. By figuring out different cultures we almost learn more about a person as an individual. It is extremely important to zoom out. If we were just looking at an individual we wouldn’t learn about the things called countercultures. This refers to cultural patterns that strongly oppose those widely accepted within a society. We wouldn’t notice culture change. It is easier to see where change happened and why it might have happened. If the individual was the focused in culture, a “global” culture wouldn’t be noticed. We are able to notice that around the world societies now has more contact with one another than ever before. Culture seems to have put a structure up on people and how the society should act/behave. Culture defines how a person should function in society. We learn that it is the foundation to everyone’s life. This is because of the flow of goods, information and people. This was not the only topic inside of the foundational processes. There is the focus on sexuality and society. Sexuality in society can be learned by two ways: by looking at it from an individual perspective or looking at society as a whole.

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