Society As A Narcissistic Society

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A Narcissistic Society Over the years, to fulfill our emptiness because of the lack of community, this generation was drawn toward social media. Social media was initially a new way for people to communicate with each other over long distances. Now that it is overused, some think it has given rise to narcissism. But according to several experts, social media does not cause narcissism. Konrath argues that people who are narcissistic offline are also narcissistic online (par. 2). The rise of narcissism among millennial has less to do with social media and more about communication at home. Narcissism is a problem according to many psychologists. This self-absorption has become a problem in society. According to the research of Sarah Konrath, …show more content…

Narcissists are carried over to social media since it is an outlet where they can get all eyes on them. According to Eleanor Payson, a psychotherapist and author of The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists, there is a difference between “narcissistic personality disorder” (par.1), which is acquired in early childhood, and “narcissistic tendencies”; people with narcissist personality can manipulate their image and get attention from the social web. Narcissists use the social web as a tool to self-promote and showcase themselves through pictures and status updates. They constantly seek attention and emphasize appearance over reality. In addition, Hampton claims that it allows people to put the best version of themselves (Hampton par.2). What he means is that because of Social media narcissist can polish up their appearance. Narcissistic people share any information on social media in order to get attention and reaffirm their ego. According to Twenge researches, narcissist are drawn into social media because “ social media leads to positive self-views, and people who need a self-esteem boost turn to social media”

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