Societal Expectations Essay

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Everyone has their own distinct personality and pathway in their life. But why? Why are some people millionaires and others live on the streets? Psychologists have debated this question for centuries, often pondering between nature and nurture. Some believe that growing up in a certain environment will affect their future, while others believe it is expectations which guide one’s upbringing. Education can factor in too; having a teacher who believes in their students can make all the difference. Do strict parents truly raise rebellious teenagers? Many influences and circumstances shape a child’s personality. The environment, expectations of society, education, and the structure and discipline of a child results in their persona. Where someone lives has a significant impact on how they blossom into adulthood. An environment is composed of the people there and the …show more content…

Opportunities provide chances to shine and truly prove oneself, and consequently it helps determine one’s life. Societal expectations play a major role in a child’s development because it sets goals for them; and as a result it allows them to understand their potential. While society’s expectations for one may be low, it does not restrict one from surpassing expectancies. However, it does determine their self-worth and grit. Education contributes a vital part to shaping a child’s life; it gives them the tools needed to succeed. A supportive and motivational teacher makes all the difference in a child’s character. Rule give children the support and structure needed to flourish and obey; therefore, it defines the child’s morals and standards. How a child acts or behaves is determined by many complex and differing sources. The human personality is complicated and intricate, therefore multiple foundations contribute to the end result of one’s temperament and

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