Social Studies Case Study

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The term has been enjoyable, or at least memorable. I remember when we were first asked the question, “What is Social Studies?” I recall thinking at the time Social Studies is the study of everything in the physical world. In some ways that has not changed for me. If anything I would say this semester has brought me more down to Earth on what Social Studies is exactly. Nothing perhaps did that more than the question “Why and How should we teach it?”, the ‘why’ was never a question to me, while the ‘how’ is the one that actually stumps me. The why could be summed up simply with a quote from “Beyond Personally Responsible”, “Schools are the primary vehicle for civic education, where the goal is to ‘help young people acquire and learn to use the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that …show more content…

An important question if there ever was one, I asked a complete stranger they said, “A subject.” so I asked for more detail so they said, “A subject in high school.” Not exactly inspiring, of course they were not hoping to teach it, but still that is the attitude of someone who could have a kid sitting in a Social Studies classroom one day. The best solution to this problem “More care needs to be taken to tell students why social studies is important. This might be done by providing students with more community-based, ‘real world’ experiences which can help students learn for themselves the importance of being an active citizen.” (Why Kids Don’t Like Social Studies). Social Studies I think can be thought of as the study of humanity and everything it encompasses. It makes it extremely important to have a comprehensive understanding of what we should be expecting from Social Studies teachers. Benefits of understanding Social Studies can be best understood from the article “What is Social Studies?”, “Students who have these commitments, knowledge, and skills will be the most capable of shaping our future and sustaining and improving our

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