Social Play And Social Development

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Play is a child’s work and play is important for the child’s development and for children to bond with their parents and caretakers. Playing with your child offers an opportunity to get to bond and create a strong relationship. As a parent, guardian or caretaker you have taken the role of being the child’s first teacher with much of the teaching happening through play. While playing with the child it teaches them rules and what is expected out of him or her. As they grow, play teaches the child how they are expected to act in society and at home. When you become a parent it is extremely beneficial to make time to play with your child. This day and time it is very hard for parents to find a balance in work and home schedules, therefore it is …show more content…

I will describe these types of play that usually develop as a child begins to engage in cooperative play. Social play is a variety of opportunities for children to engage in social play are the best mechanisms for progressing through the different social stages. By interacting with others in play settings, children learn social rules such as, give and take, reciprocity, cooperation, and sharing. Through a range of interactions with children at different social stages, children also learn to use moral reasoning to develop a mature sense of values. To be prepared to function effectively in the adult world, children need to participate in lots of social situations. Physical play includes activities that use physical movements to allow children to use their energy, and it gives children the chance to develop gross and fine motor skills, learn new things and socialize. Physical play also benefits a child’s health. Understanding the importance of physical play is vital to your child’s …show more content…

As young children fiddle with,sort, and arrange materials, ideas and imagination begin to flow. Questions arise naturally. They wonder: What will happen if I put this here? How tall will it go? Where did the bubble come from? In this way, constructive play serves to focus the minds of children through their fingertips and leads them to invent and discover new possibilities, to fulfill their sense of purpose. Expressive play. Certain forms of play give children opportunities to express feelings by engaging with materials. Materials used in expressive play include tempera paints, finger paints, watercolors, crayons, colored pencils and markers, and drawing paper; clay, water, and sponges; beanbags, pounding benches, punching bags, and rhythm instruments; and shaving cream, pudding, and gelatin. Parents can take an active role in expressive play by using the materials alongside the child. Fantasy play. Children learn to try new roles and situations, experiment with languages and emotions with fantasy play. Children learn to think and create beyond their world. They assume adult roles and learn to think in abstract methods. Children stretch their imaginations and use new words and numbers to express concepts, dreams and

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