Social Media Marketing Case Study

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1.1 Background The rapid growth of the social media networking makes life different. According to the real time internet live statistics, the internet users in the world are now more than 3,338,000,000 and keep rising every day (Internet Live Stats, 2016). Social media like Facebook, Sina microblog (Weibo), Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are defined as the online communities which allow users to create and share their own content (Bolton et al., 2013). The faster and easier information exchange brings a new trend of marketing communication established and makes traditional peer to peer word of mouth spreading go online. Social media provides a platform for consumer to engage in electronic word-of-mouth. It can be either positive or negative statement on the product brand or service which made by potential, actual or experience users on the internet (Themba & Mulala, 2013). Facebook is one of the fast developing social media. It brings up a new trend of social media marketing. Facebook influenced customer behavior and suggested to be one of the most critical metrics of social media usage (Schultz, Schwepker & Good, 2012). Modern customers are now smart and …show more content…

In this study, it will examine the interrelationship between the seven constructs, they are: functional value (FV), price value (PV), social value (SV), emotional value (EV), satisfaction with brand page (SAT), loyalty (LY) and positive word of mouth (WOM). Indicate the important factors for a successful brand fan pages provide reference for Hong Kong marketers to build their own brand fan page. This study would like to valid the perceived customer value: functional value (FV), price value (PV), social value (SV) and emotional value (EV) in Hong Kong, to examine if these are significant to satisfaction, loyalty and positive word of mouth

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