Social Media Essay

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Female bullies Some people use social media to communicate and keep in touch with friends and family. Other uses of social media may be dating, meeting new people, finding jobs, or even keeping up to date with world news. There are also those who use social media for other purposes such as bullying, sometimes unintentional and other times on purpose.Bullying is nothing new because bullying can occur everywhere, you hear about bullying more often nowadays because it is happening in more places than ever.Before social media became popular children were often bullied at school or in the neighborhood at home. Today with the increased use of the internet and social media children are now being bullied anywhere at anytime. The Bullying epidemic has become a global problem all around the world and must be stopped if children are to live a normal life and develop into law abiding citizens. Due to the diverse social media websites people have access to other people 's social life and private life as well, thus allowing them to be targets of comments that can be hurtful. social media opens the door to cyber bulling and teen girls may comment things that are hateful and cause rumours. Females bullies are usually associated with these types behaviors.Females use social media to spread rumours about their victims. Females can use social media to do …show more content…

Unfortunately there are still many cases of bullycide, among children and teens because they get tired of people bullying them. We need to realize that there are many different types of bullying people do not know about especially with all the new cyber media technology. Many adults do not believe that females are being bullied by others in many of these ways. It can not be over emphasize how important it is to listen to females that are being bullied and take them

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