Advantage Of Social Media

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Long before the social media became the commercialized mass information and entertaining playground like it is today, even before the appearance of internet, was a much different world. In that world, people interacted with each other in a way that today generation might not even know about. The creation of computer has led to the idea of connecting people together in a faster and effective way. Therefore, the internet was born, then social media. The world has seen the stunning growth of social media in just a few years. Today, half of all American adults are now using social networking such as Facebook or Twitter. This online communication has crawled its way through our life. Even though it seems to be a powerful tool, social media has shaded …show more content…

It is a perfect marketing tool ever made. Moreover, it is free for everyone to take advance of. This is great for small companies because they could use social media to compete with big companies. Especially when people post their pictures of themselves enjoying their favorite brands or places would help advertise for the companies. Social media has offered big and small companies to improve the traditional way of marketing by its benefits. In the old way, it would take week or month to make a customer survey by knocking door by door, neighbor by neighbor. Moreover, people hate to waste their time filling out papers unless there is something in return. With social media, companies could make a survey easily by sending out a link to millions of users around the world. By doing this, it allows “you get a deeper look into who your customers are and what they like/dislike” (“Using Social Media”). In return, companies get to know what their customers think about them. Social media is a free place for people to express their ideas, which is honest and raw feedback about the product or service they use. From there, companies can make improvement to please their “God”. Being a student who major in business, I can see the great potential social media can offer. I used Facebook to open group so I can recruit people for my catering work when I was in high school. I did have many people apply for the job every time I

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