Social Media: A Ingenious Tool To Assist Users

725 Words2 Pages

In recent years, social media has detonated as a class of online pontificate where the people can create content, share and disperse it at a faster rate. Social media is the intercommunication between people in which they create, share or exchange information and feelings in virtual communities and networks. It is a tool that aids in raising the user's news reading experience. The number of articles on different topics shared by a user can be colossal. Hence, it is important to choose the most engrossing articles to display.

In today's world huge amount of data is being collected and warehoused. Additionally, we are rich in data, but poor in knowledge. Hence, there is a need of some techniques that can extract the information hidden in these large chunks of data. This is where we use data mining and knowledge discovery. For instance, from scientific viewpoint it may help scientists in hypothesis formation, in classifying and segmenting data, etc. Data mining and knowledge discovery basically looks for some hidden patterns which can be missed by human analysts or these analysts may take weeks to discover them. These hidden patterns hidden in the data help in extracting useful information. From this information we gain the actionable knowledge.

In recent times data mining and knowledge discovery have become fields generating large amount of interest from every other field. One such field which uses "KDD (knowledge discovery and data mining)" to a greater extent and the one that we use has become an integral part of our life is Social media. This motivated me to choose this interesting session on "Data mining and knowledge discovery in Social media". The paper is about how data mining and knowledge discovery techniques use...

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They all focus to achieve the common target of increasing their efficiency in their own fields. In today's world, Social media sites provide their clients the platform, yet the majority of the content is generated by the client. Additionally, it has become an integral part of our lives. It is the interaction between millions of people around the world in which they share, create and interchange information. For instance, clients, post tweets expressing their ideas in Twitter. Morevoer, in Orkut clients make friends and upload pictures, videos and various profile details about their lives. Social media promotes virtual communities which are online social networks at different social media sites, blogs, social news, sites, etc.

Works Cited

cite{Stajner:2013:ASS:2487575.2487659} cite{Zafarani:2013:CUA:2487575.2487648} cite{Yang:2013:ESR:2487575.2487685}

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