The Social Distraction

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In Betty White’s opening monologue to Saturday Night Live, she said, “I didn’t know what Facebook was, and now that I do know what it is, I have to say, it sounds like a huge waste of time. I would never say the people on it are losers, but that’s only because I’m polite.” Originally intended for the use of students at Harvard University in 2004, Facebook grew exponentially to be an online phenomenon in the years following. In 2006, it became accessible to anyone and everyone with internet connection. Aside from the advantages that give the site its popularity, creating a profile comes with a number of significant disadvantages inherit to online social networks. What do more than 500 million active users use their Facebook for? Communicating with long distance friends and spreading awareness of causes are common responses. Unfortunately, Facebook has it flaws, from limiting the privacy of relationships to creating a form of almost unmanageable bullying, making one reconsider their involvement and think, “do I really want my Facebook account?”

In mere minutes, any active user can access information and associations regarding various causes, such as the riots happening in Egypt and the Middle East. Teenagers, in the Middle East, used their Facebook accounts to campaign the “Day of Rage” in Saudi Arabia. Helping to set the Arab riots in motion, the event demanded elections, freedom for women, and the liberation of political prisoners. The activists’ goals to bring democracy to Egypt and removing Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s fourth president from 1981 to 2011, still continue and perhaps with the assistance of Facebook they will accomplish these ambitions. The causes campaigned through Facebook have served as a fundraise...

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... of Facebook. After watching a play, I went out for lunch with a few friends, while the other updated their Facebook status or checked messages, I was left to eat by myself. So many individuals become obsessive with the refresh button to be in the know of others’ lives instead of enjoying their own lives with those surrounding them.

Considering there are more than 500 million active users on Facebook it is convenient to have an account; however, several disadvantages have conducted me to deleting my account. Despite my standpoint on Facebook, I still would not delete my profile. Instead I will use it for its real advantages such as spreading awareness in causes I am passionate about and connecting with old and long distance friendships. It is not harmful to have an account, but it does not need your attention every eight seconds. Mine certainly doesn’t.

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